Inspiration happens here.
With over 30 years of proven success in the field of special education, Windsor seeks to effectively meet the needs of every child. We provide a highly structured and nurturing learning environment for children in kindergarten through twelfth grade and beyond. Windsor students work with a highly credentialed and dedicated staff committed to assuring that your child will succeed.

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What are People Saying

"Our daughter continues to thrive at Windsor School. Our lives have been turned around as she has grown in all aspects. Our dreams have grown as she has grown all of her talents and enjoyed school every day. She has adjusted and learned the social rules that will allow her to join the community. I feel the best of her life now lies ahead of her. "

Parent of 10th GraderBergen County

"Windsor Learning Center has validated my son as a successful student, a valuable friend and an important person, above all. Windsor has a very unique way of truly accepting the children for who they are, nurturing their talents and accepting their weaknesses all the while understanding their feelings. It has been a life-changing experience for us to see our son soar to success at this role model school, which other schools should strive to imitate. Nothing feels better than success, and it is obvious that the children at Windsor feel proud, successful and happy to be there."

Parent of 8th GraderBergen County

"Our son is very privileged to attend Windsor School. The administrators, teachers, and staff are caring, understanding, and dedicated to the children, going above and beyond their roles as educators. The teachers have brought out his confidence and self-esteem, and their positive reinforcement has taught our son that he can reach his goals. He receives the highest quality education and continues to amaze us with his many hidden talents. The staff truly understands children and their feelings, and they teach students how important they are as individuals, friends, and members of society."

Parent of 9th GraderPassaic County

"My son had a very smooth transition from public school to Windsor Learning Center thanks to the professional and caring staff. He has been attending Windsor Learning Center for three years and has advanced academically way beyond what I ever imagined. He has gained self-confidence and is taught social skills and organizational skills on a daily basis. Windsor Learning Center offers a unique, fun, learning experience for children with special needs."

Parent of 5th GraderSussex County

"Windsor Learning Center has changed our son’s life. He has become an invested student who has made dramatic changes in his ability to learn and socialize with his peers. He came to the school a broken child, who did not understand his full capabilities. Windsor Learning Center’s staff has helped him develop his self-confidence, which now shows in all areas of his life. We are grateful to all of the staff, from the directors, to the teachers, to the support staff. Thank you for supporting our family and helping our son to reach his full potential."

Parent of 3rd GraderBergen County

"Success in school begins with happiness and self confidence. Our child, who has a language-based learning disorder, came to Windsor School feeling defeated and out of place at school. Now, he looks forward to getting on the bus, enjoys his teacher and his class activities, and is building academic skills and confidence daily. We are so grateful to the dedicated staff at Windsor for helping him to build on his strengths and to believe in himself and his abilities."

Parent of 10th GraderEssex County

"Windsor School has been there for my son, and my family from the start. They took him in and provided a safe environment for him to succeed and grow into the confident, happy person he is today. It was such a relief to my family to find a school that understood our son's situation. They didn't give up when things got difficult. They worked with him and found a way to reach him when no one else could. Their persistence paid off, as our son is now a top student, both academically and behaviorally. Windsor gave my son the skills he needs to be a success in the world."

Parent of 11th GraderBergen County

"Our son has attended Windsor Learning Center since the 3rd grade and his self-esteem has really flourished a great deal in the past four years. He loves to learn and really looks forward to coming to school every day. He also enjoys having the opportunity to do the morning announcements. The program is consistent and the positive reinforcement has helped him to continue to do his very best. We feel confident with the staff as they are always pleasant and professional. We are thankful that our son now has the courage to realize that he'll always be a bright star!"

Parent of 7th GraderEssex County

"It was like a breath of fresh air when our daughter started at the Windsor Learning Center. Our daughter now loves coming to school, chatting with friends, and participating in a variety of their programs including drama, music, student government, talent shows, and intramural sports. She has made great strides and has grown immensely socially, academically, and behaviorally. Thanks to the outstanding program, faculty, and staff at the Windsor Learning Center, our now confident, young daughter possesses all the skills she needs for her future success!"

Parent of 6th GraderMorris County