Category: Windsor Learning Center

Pep Rally Stirs Enthusiasm

We held a pep rally to show support for our basketball team this week.  It was exciting to hear the names of players announced as they ran under the bridge provided by our cheerleaders. For many of our students, it was a new experience and it certainly generated a lot of excitement about the upcoming games.

Extreme Energy!

The science of thermal energy was brought to life at Windsor by a company called Wondergy. Two scientists demonstrated different ways that energy is used and explained how and why it all works. We were on the edge of our seats during the whole colorful and exciting assembly.

Student Council Serves Up Pancakes

Our student council worked together to make everything run smoothly at our annual pancake breakfast.  They set the tables, served warm pancakes, and made everyone feel welcome. No task was too difficult for our eager crew as they worked in shifts to provide our hungry guests with a great experience.

Turning Ideas Into Reality

After brainstorming about ideas that excite them, students have to come up with a game plan to make it all happen. Once they figure out what materials are required and they gather everything, it’s time for the next step. During the weekly sessions that follow, our entrepreneurs make their products. This is all in preparation for our annual marketplace where they have an opportunity to sell them. It’s a very exciting process that we look forward to each year!

The Man in the Red Suit

Students were very curious about our special visitor today. With his plush red suit, long white beard, tall black boots, and jolly personality, Santa quickly attracted everyone’s attention.  He listened closely to wishes and answered many clever questions.  The sense of wonder and excitement that he created was magical. We wish all of you a very happy and safe holiday season!

Snowman Project

Although they all started out with the same blank canvas, and basic instructions, each person ended up with a different result.  Just like snowflakes that are known for being unique, so are people and their snowmen. That’s what makes them interesting!

Cool Sounds of Winter

We all enjoyed listening to our junior and senior choral groups perform at the winter concert.  The music department has worked hard this year and it certainly showed as music filled the room.  The various group numbers and individual acts were a great way to celebrate the new season.

Holiday Sing-Along Fun

We played games, sang a variety of songs, and shared snacks with our friends at a local senior day center this week. It’s always so nice to begin the holiday season with this special annual visit.  The warm smiles, laughter, and simple fun that we experience during these visits make us want to go back again soon.

A Measure of Trust

As expected, our four-legged friends have been stealing our hearts in each session of PAWS.  Once they feel comfortable, the pups love following commands and doing tricks for treats.  When the treats are all gone, it’s nice to relax and enjoy being together.