
The Windsor performing arts teams are focused on providing many opportunities for our students. Our students, sing, dance, perform and learn to play a musical instrument of their choosing.

Drama productions at the Windsor Arts Center allow our students to realize their many skills and talents in a state of the art theater.

Windsor educational fairs are hands – on experiences assuring our students utilize their 21st century skills in working together to learn new information, collaborate and solve problems together.

Our fun nights are a great way for our students and their families to get together and socialize.

Windsor field days are a lot of fun for both the staff and students. There are many carefully planned activities for our students to choose from throughout the day assuring these events support our students social and emotional development.

Parent seminars are provided each academic year. Recent seminars have focused on the Nurtured Heart Approach, Mindfulness and assisting with positive behavioral interventions at home.

Our partnership with Scholastic has been a lot of fun for our students. Our book fair assures our students don’t have to travel far to access all kinds of exciting new reading material.

The spring fling dance is always a great time for our middle school aged students. Windsor students decorate the gym and come up with a fun theme each year.

Spirit days are always a lot of fun. Whether we are supporting our school teams or a local charity our staff and students are excited to participate.

The ice cream party is always a lot of fun and it is one of the many ways we recognize our students many achievements.

Windsor students have many talents. We have found that the opportunities Windsor provides to our students builds self esteem through the recognition of many hidden abilities. We are proud of our Windsor alumni who have gone on to perform on television and on Broadway.

There are a variety of assemblies throughout the year recognizing our students many achievements as well as providing educational content.

Students are provided with meaningful opportunities to help others and to have a positive impact on their community. Our students visit a local adult daycare center where they participate in special activities that bring joy to both the students and the people they meet.

Students participate in an entrepreneurial program. During weekly workshops, they experience hands-on activities and learn the basics of product development, finance, marketing and salesmanship. At the end of the school year, we have a marketplace, where students sell their goods. A portion of the proceeds that are raised are used to help a charity chosen by the student.

Windsor students travel to a variety of educational events assuring that their educational experience is well rounded.

The karate program allows our students to learn a new set of skills enhancing self esteem in a cooperative and supportive environment.

We offer our students an opportunity to learn various training techniques and to gain a sense of confidence through positive interactions with dogs. During weekly sessions, dog handlers provide our students with age-appropriate, hands-on lessons about how to properly love and care for animals.

During weekly practices, students learn about the game of basketball, how to work together as a team and follow the directions of their coaches. Level 3 students in 5th through 8th grade are invited to participate within our mini-leagues at the school. Our oldest students have the opportunity to compete against other schools in the area. Let’s go Wildcats!

Starlight Farm’s therapeutic horseback riding program reinforces various social skills. Throughout a six-week session, students learn to build trust, improve listening skills, follow directions, and increase self-awareness. Students are closely supervised by trained instructors who facilitate both off-horse and on-horse learning activities.

Our student council is very active in coming up with ideas for student clubs and activities. We make sure the voice of our students are heard. Student council also participates in a variety of volunteer activities within our community.

Students work on our yearbook committee to produce a high quality yearbook. Students who choose to participate in this activity learn a great deal about the digital publication process.